A new gun law is on the books which allows a “qualifying adult” to legally carry, possess, or conceal a handgun without a license, background check, or training requirements. This law does not apply to shotguns and rifles.
A qualifying adult means a person 21 and over without certain convictions or circumstances. If a person has a conviction for a felony, domestic violence, drug charges (M4 or higher), falsification of a concealed handgun license, or negligent assault, they are NOT a qualifying adult.
If a person has been convicted of a misdemeanor offense of violence within 3 years, they are NOT a qualifying adult.
If a person has been convicted of two more charges of either assault, negligent assault, attempted assault, or attempted negligent assault within 5 years, they are not a qualifying adult.
If a person has been convicted of resisting arrest within 10 years, they are not a qualifying adult.
If a person has pending or active protection orders, is a fugitive, has been adjudicated as mentally defective/incompetent, committed to a mental institution, found by a court to be mentally ill, or involuntarily committed as a patient for purposes other than observation—they are not a qualifying adult.
If a person’s CCW was suspended, been dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Forces, or has renounced US citizenship—they not a qualifying adult.
Even if a person is considered a “qualifying adult”, there are also establishment exceptions. Business can post signs prohibiting firearms in their buildings. You cannot carry in police stations, jails, prisons, airport terminals, liquor selling establishments, courthouses, churches, childcare centers, government buildings, or Federal law buildings. Permitless carriers may NOT carry a handgun in their vehicle when they drive into a school safety zone.
If asked, you must tell a police officer that you are carrying a concealed weapon.
Remember, each state has its own laws regarding firearms. A person entering any state is subject to that state’s specific gun laws. Some states will require an Ohio permit, you may still get your CCW if you plan to carry in another state.
**Contact me about sealing your record. In some cases, there may be relief from firearm disability. **